I’m over simplifying a bit here; because in truth, there’s a lot of components to my activism and attitude regarding the systems designed specifically to oppress us – but it started with Chuck D. I’ve been thinking about the spirit of revolution a lot lately as 2019 moves to a close.

It’s been a year of revolutions all around the world. Literally across the globe. The beautiful thing is that all of us, every single protester, resistor and activist carries essentially the same hope for massive peaceful revolution in their hearts. That much is obvious. Most people want peace and justice and there is now a majority of human beings on the planet who see the truth, that these systems aren’t working. They were designed to serve one part of society and one part only. It’s time for the tide to turn.
So as i’ve been thinking about what that could look like, where we could go, and how it could evolve, I’ve waxed poetic about where this fire came from. I have it in my ancestry, (one of my ancestors tried to start the Scottish Revolution). I know that remains in my veins but where it started in this life, what lit me up. Public Enemy.
Everything I learned about fighting white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy came from Chuck D.
I learned, soaked it all up like a sponge, about the systems, and history of systems that were specifically designed to oppress us – through Rap. Through Hip Hop. It all started with “Fear of A Black Planet” By Public Enemy , then I moved back, and “It Takes A Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back”.
From the literal anthem “Fight the Power” to “Black Steel in The Hour of Chaos” . I learned more about activism, black history and peaceful spiritual militance from Chuck D.
Yes, this is a healing practice, but part of my journey through the healing arts & witchcraft inherently is activism. The work I focus on now is about the revolution of the soul. It’s about working with clients and community to create individual change and agency within one’s own life in order to take up the appropriate space in the world, within your unique purpose. Because, we’re literally being shown that the way we have been living is grinding to a halt, that we need to root ourselves in what is right for the majority of beings on this planet. We need to ground for the peaceful battle and revolution ahead. I don’t believe one can be Spiritual on this planet right now without being an activist. Creator/God/Spirit/Universe – your higher self understands that were are all connected, that when one of us is suffering we are all suffering. We are in the fight of our lives as the white supremacist capitalist and colonial patriarchy is in its death throes.
My soundtrack, since I was a kid for when I need to go head to head with the patriarchy has been Chuck. His activism, intelligence, lyricism, not to mention his booming and beautiful flow make him my personal go to for powering myself up. So, in thinking about what is to come for 2020 (newsletter goes out tomorrow for January) it felt perfect to salute one of the people on the planet who helps me to do the work I do, who helped me walk through the dark night of the soul, and who grounds me in my own power to fight another day.
@AmyMiranda here we go
— Chuck D (@MrChuckD) September 3, 2012
We’ll win. This fight, and we’ll do it our way.
Chuck D taught me that. Public Enemy taught me that.
I’ll leave you with my intention for 2020. Shut the White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy, and the systems they have created to oppress us for the highest good, best possible outcome with ease and grace and I couldn’t say it better than, PE. – Shut’em Down.
As a bonus – A great little interview below with Chuck regarding Hip Hop as a force for social change. Here’s to education, balanced communication, authenticity, integrity, abundance and peace for all in 2020.