So, right off the top we’re going to cover off something very important. A non-negotiable if you will. If you’re going to work with helping spirits, we’re going to use the appropriate (not appropriative) language.

It’s not “spirit animal” – unless you’re Indigenous. It’s power animal, helper, spiritual translator. This is sacred stuff. This isn’t a parlour game.

What I’ve learned from my amazing human teachers on my own journey, and in my practice from my clients is that magic shows up for anyone willing to crack the window to wonder. I’ve never met one person in all of my experience who didn’t have medicine show up for them in the form of a nature being.
They show up as nature beings because I think if it were some dude named Craig you may be less inclined to tell them your secrets, wishes and dreams (no offense Craigs).

I’ve witnessed literal magic. I’ve met helpers with names that sound like an old 30s radio show. Murray, Gord, Floyd… Stanley. 🙂 And before you say, well you’re naming them. I am not who names them. They tell my clients their names. I couldn’t possibly plant those kinds of seeds. I’m pretty magical but not THAT magical.

Helpers have a sense of humor because sometimes here on Earth, life doesn’t feel so fun – or funny. They’re there to remind us that there’s more to our collective story. The power of connection we have available to us is exactly why magic was ripped from our hands, and why people are still being murdered and colonized for their spiritual practices. It’s because it’s rooted in authentic power. You’ve seen all the movies (and probably heard of the Bible) about how having metaphysical helpers, contacts in other dimensions can bring miracles and sea-parting magic. No wonder some people don’t want us to know.

We’d become, ungovernable 😉 – and this is exactly what’s happening with the rise of Spirituality on the planet. We are remembering the sheer power of connection, in doing this we also have to ensure we’re respecting every single person on the planet who has an unbroken connection to this work, especially when we do it on stolen land.

Remember, power animal. not spirit animal. It’s small but it’s a part of reconciling all of what colonialism has stolen. Don’t perpetuate stealing anything else.

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