So you may remember I wrote a book (What We’ve Forgotten, I mention it because you may have 😉 – . I call it a spell for collective liberation – but also instructions for changing the world.

I know, I know – how grandiose? But we built pyramids once and smart people are still trying to figure that out. I think what we all know about how things are going (maybe other than the billionaires) – and for many of us things aren’t going so great. I’ve been hearing about climate change coming at us since I was in elementary school. I’m almost 50 and we’re STILL not doing anything – yet the planet is in so many places already – under water where it shouldn’t be.

So what do we do when some of us won’t even acknowledge that the ship is metaphorically – and maybe literally – sinking – let alone even being able to agree that we’re on a boat together. Analogies are my thing. It makes thinking about getting better- easier.

The first thing we need to do is gain majority – we’re close. The scales are tipping and we’ve infiltrated these systems designed to keep us apart. We’re building more community every day – and they – the ones who divide – I call them “The Uninvited”- they don’t like camaraderie. They like division. They sow it. Have you SEEN how the 45th president seethes when people are enjoying themselves or in community. They make fun of that because it’s where the real power is – and people like that don’t have authentic power. They’re working on other people’s steam – I know because I grew up with one of them in my house. I even modeled it once. Nature vs. nurture. In this case I chose nature.

I had to actively do that. Becoming a jerk usually doesn’t happen over night – but the good news is, changing – it’s quick. It’s as simple as a lightbulb going off. It’s why I decided to try to write it down.
Here’s the coles notes TL;DR version: 1. We got out of synch with the very stuff we’re made of. 2. We separated ourselves from not only one another but nature and life became something we monetized 3. We have a lot of instructions and breadcrumbs throughout history about how to do literal magic. 4. In reconnecting to nature through not just hikes but actually aligning the 3 sides of the little emotionally complex triangle that is YOU, mind, body AND Spirit. 5. Spirit is basically an electrical current that powers everything, and shutting it out is only benefiting one kind of person (hint: it’s not you.)

So, if I could prescribe anything right now to humanity, It would be this. It would be telling your ego to get in the back seat, and that it’s time for your soul to drive. If the majority of us don’t make that move, and quick, we’re not going to have any seats or places left to go.

Sorry, abrupt and direct – but I’m not here to perpetuate the idea that we’re not on a crash course. The joys of being clairvoyant include having to drink out of the literal firehose that is the collective right now.

I still love you, but get your shit together humans.



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