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It’s a tough time on planet earth
It’s a tough time on planet Earth right now. But that’s why you’re here. What has happened in the last 18 months is the greatest spiritual catalyst this planet has ever seen. We have been ignoring our spirit. Our energy. We have tried to disconnect from community. Ego has manifested into capitalism and money, and […]
A note on #MeToo
A chat about power.
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/SA-Diwn9qIk” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
It’s time for a chat.
Dear Men.
Men often suffer in silence. There is always hope. There is always help. Shamanic healing and reiki were an incredible combination for me as a survivor myself. They helped me learn how to let my body release what it held, they helped me learn to have a new perspective on myself, and my experience, but […]
You Can Do It.
What if I were to tell you that how you’re feeling at this very moment is how most human beings on the planet are feeling right now? That you are not alone. That this is all a part of a massive shift back to how we’re meant to be living on the planet in 2017. […]
2017 – The year we stand in our authentic power
How to Stay Positive in the Midst of Chaos.
Well, it seemed like another video is in order. So here it is, some thoughts on how to stay centered in the midst of this transition.
Q&A Tuesday
Question: from loving_vibrations via instagram “Hey! Hope you dont mind us asking…. We were wondering what techniques you use to find your own balance and inner-peace in this world?” Answer: We made a video which relates a bit to this today which we’ll post, but this is probably the most asked question lately, given the state […]