Hi and Welcome!

I’ve been into magic since I was a toddler (ask my Mum) I hustled her for my first witch costume when I was 2 and a half.  I still love magic as much now as I did then (the shows and stories have since improved, I promise, again, ask my Mum.)

I love magic and wonder so much I decided to make it my job. I’m a wonder witch. I am both an Internationally awarded executive producer and a healing practitioner. How did that happen? By magic.

In 2012, a few years into my company, Lunch, things should have been perfect, but the traumas of my life were catching up to me.  I felt that something was missing,  something just didn’t feel right.  It was as if I couldn’t seem to get back to being as engaged with life as I used to. I felt I had lost my spark –  I felt like I’d run out of steam.

Through many synchronicities I crossed paths with my teacher, Daniel Leonard who founded The Medicine Circle.  At the time I felt so stuck and I thought healing might be worth a try. What could it hurt to see someone who helped heal for a living?

It didn’t hurt.

It changed everything.

I felt like I’d gotten a new pair of glasses I hadn’t known I needed. I’ve since learned energetic growth often feels like you’ve suddenly been given a 10,000 foot view. Healing is inherently about ascending to your higher self.  Healing is growing. Rising. That’s always been important to me (some still know me as my first online handle from 1995, Transcendz).

In 2015 I had one of those divine experiences you read about where it feels like the skies open up, and I was called to practice. I started doing healing work under the name of Ascension Institute. It felt too weird to just use my name. I was a business person, an entrepreneur and suddenly I was working as a witch. I’m okay with that now. I’m a wonder witch. No shame.

What does that mean? Witch?

It means. I practice magic. Also, you may have noticed witches make lots of stuff. It is a craft after all. I am a channel. I am a medium. I work for, and with the energy of divinity itself. The Light. In Star Wars terms, I’m a Jedi, not a Sith. You could say my own father is a far more evil dude than Vader. So, i’ve got some very real experience with the darkside. Above all else, I’m a lightworker. I am spirited.

I work with many different healing arts, or modalities. I am a hereditary witch (my paternal Puerto Rican Grandmother’s maiden name is literally Pagan). I grew up Catholic via my Filipino roots and my Great Great Grandfather was a circuit preacher and minister with the United Church of Canada.  I’m a Scottish, French, Puerto Rican and Filipino Shamanic Witch. Light work and revolution course through my veins.

Magic is how I’ve survived a lot of things in my life. How I have managed to turn my trauma into triumph. Poison into medicine. It is my honor to help you do the same with yours.

I hope I can be of service with what I’ve learned so far to help you to rise and glide through your life more easily. It’s a beautiful intention driven scavenger hunt, and we can reclaim your wonder about it. If I can do it, you can do it. I seek to empower, inspire and enlighten through my work. Illumination, and connection are my mandates. Wonder and magic are my favourite words, I also like chips.

The book “What We’ve Forgotten” based on the retreat is an adventure for the soul and seeks to remind us that life is an intention driven scavenger hunt. In my experience, following the clues brings great treasure. When we connect the dots we leave room for wonder.

That’s the sweet spot when we work together whether we are creating or healing. We are surrendering to the wonder and remembering the magic we carry to bring forth something great

Let’s go get it. I look forward to lighting it up with you.

In Service and Light,


Please feel free to read more about my experience, ethics and mission here.

More About Me:
My TEDX Talk
It’s Time – An Essay About Magic


The Feminine Warrior Podcast – The Healers
Spirit Direct – Shamanism

Ready for some wonder?

Heal Something
Make Something Better